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Get EventDates for Event with Products



Returns all EventDates for the Event with all the attached Products.


Path Parameters

    guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Event.


EventDates with Products for the Event found.


  • Array [

  • guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the EventDate

    event_id uuidrequired

    The guid of the Event for this EventDate.

    start ISO 8601required

    The start of the date range.

    end ISO 8601required

    The end of the date range. Must be later than start date.

    seats_event_key string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The Event key (See

    facebook_event_id string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The Facebook event ID.

    seated boolean

    Whether an EventDate is seated or not.



    The Products of the EventDates

  • Array [

  • guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Product Type.

    event_id uuidrequired

    The guid of the Event associated with the Product Type.

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The name of the Product Type.

    description string

    Possible values: <= 65536 characters

    The description of the Product Type.

    vat_percentage floatrequired

    Possible values: <= 100

    The VAT percentage which applies to this Product Type. This is a float with at most 2 decimals, because VAT percentages in some countries have fractions of a percent.

    price integer

    The price of this Product Type in cents.

    pricing_method string

    Possible values: [own, container]

    The type of pricing method. Whether the container value or its own value is used for varying kickback calculations.

    class string

    Possible values: [EventProtect, RefundProtect, RandomNumberGenerator, PlayPass, Co2Compensate, Giro555]

    The class which get called on order Events.

    origin_type string

    Possible values: [date, ticket, product]

    The type of Product Type. This is either date, ticket, or product. This is auto-generated.

    status string

    Possible values: [auto, sold_out]

    The sale status of the Product Type.

    extra_data array

    Extra class data.

  • ]

  • ]
