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Issuing requests

The previous section contains some simple requests to the ​OpenTicket system. These requests did not require any specific headers. However, most other requests to the ​OpenTicket system require the Authorization header and have an optional Company header.


The previous section describes how to acquire an access_token, which is used to authenticate requests. You can achieve this by adding the Authorization header to a request containing the token type ("Bearer") and the access_token separated by a single space. See the code blocks below for examples of requests containing the Authorization header.


As mentioned above, an access_token is used to authenticate requests. This access_token also authorizes requests access to one or more companies. When acquiring an access_token, you can specify zero or more companies an access_token should be able to authorize access to. These companies are listed in the token response. However, in most cases, an access_token will only authorize access to exactly one company.

The set of companies an access_token can authorize access to can be restricted to a subset using the Company header, which should contain a comma-separated list of the GUIDs of companies to which authorization should be restricted. It is also possible to add multiple Company headers containing a single GUID each.


The Company header is optional.

See the following code blocks for examples of requests to the ​OpenTicket system containing the Company header.

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
"Authorization: Bearer $accessToken",
"Company: $GUID"

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;
This request results in the following response
"guid": "6e26d618-354b-11eb-9322-acde48001122",
"default_company_id": "6eac75a2-354b-11eb-9322-acde48001122",
"whitelabel_id": "6eea7dc0-354b-11eb-9322-acde48001122",
"name": "Jane Appleseed",
"email": "",
"phone": null,
"created_at": "2011-12-13T11:12:13+02:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-13T14:15:16+01:00",
"deleted_at": null


A few remarks on the Autorization and Company headers:

  • The ​OpenTicket system will respond with a 401 Unauthorized when an access_token is (no longer) valid.
  • The ​OpenTicket system will respond with a 401 Unauthorized when the Company header contains the GUID of a company that the provided access_token cannot authorize access to.
  • To explicitly list all companies an access_token authorizes access to in the Company header, you can use the wildcard operator *.
  • A small number of endpoints must operate within the scope of a single company at a time. These also rely on the Company header. Their documentation clearly mentions the requirement to select a single company.
  • Instead of adding multiple Company headers to a request, it is also possible to add a single Company header with comma-separated GUID values.
  • You will only be authorized access to multiple companies if you have a valid use case, and the Company header is implemented properly.

The endpoint can be used to quickly check whether a token is still valid.