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Get all ProductGroups for this Ticket Type



Returns all ProductsGroup for this Ticket Type.


Path Parameters

    guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Ticket Type.


The ProductGroups attached to the Ticket Type found.


  • Array [

  • guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the ProductGroup.

    name string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The name of the ProductGroup.

    description string

    Possible values: <= 65536 characters

    The description of the ProductGroup.

    min_bound integerrequired

    Possible values: <= 100000000

    The lower bound, i.e. the minimal amount of Product Types which have to be ordered to satisfy the ProductGroup.

    max_bound integerrequired

    Possible values: <= 100000000

    The upper bound, i.e. the maximum amount of Product Types which have to be ordered to satisfy the ProductGroup.

    uniqueness integerrequired

    Possible values: <= 100000000

    The amount of duplicates per Product Type which is maximally allowed.

    ticket_id uuid

    The Ticket Type the ProductGroup belongs to

    preceded_by uuiddeprecated

    Is deprecated, is replaced by the numerator and denominator; Depicts the preceded_by.

    numerator integer

    Numerator, used for ordering.

    denominator integer

    Demoninator, used for ordering.

    members uuid[]

    Array of Product Type guids which the ProductGroup belongs to.

  • ]
