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Get attached Collapses of Shop



Returns all Collapses which are attached to this Shop.


Path Parameters

    guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Shop.


The attached Collapses of the Shop found.


  • Array [

  • guid uuid

    The guid of the Collapse.

    company_id uuid

    The Company guid associated with the Collapse.

    start_open boolean

    Whether the Collapse starts opened.

    pre_tickets booleandeprecated

    Show before (true) the 'regular' Ticket Types or after (false). This is no longer used, instead use the ordering of the Ticket Types in the Shop.

    pre_title string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The title before the Collapse.

    pre_content string

    Possible values: <= 65536 characters

    The content before the Collapse.

    inner_title string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The title inside the Collapse.

    inner_content string

    Possible values: <= 65536 characters

    The content inside the Collapse.

    title string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The title of the Collapse.

    post_content string

    Possible values: <= 65536 characters

    The content after the Collapse.

    ticket_guids uuid[]

    Array of Ticket Type guids which belong to this Collapse.

    created_at ISO 8601

    The time it was created.

    updated_at ISO 8601

    The time it was last updated.

  • ]
